20 Life Lessons I Learned In My Twenties

Praveen Pal
9 min readNov 4, 2020


Last week I celebrated my 21st birthday in home town after a long time. I am pretty much happy and grateful for the Life, Friends, and Parents I have. I always saw my life as a play and we all are playing our characters here and I am very lucky I learned many life lessons in my early Twenties. I am sharing some of them here, but these are my personal thoughts, take it easy.

Photo by Kid Circus on Unsplash
  1. Find and follow your passion

Only a few people in their life are able to find their passion on time. It’s not that much easy but if you get it, believe me, your life and career get boosted up. A passion provides a direction to drive your life and makes you have and you will love what you do. I find myself as a tech guy. And let’s see how I am a Web Developer.

Take your time and find one that works for you. Polish your skills in that field and keep yourself on update. But never spend too much time finding your passion otherwise you will lose your time.

2. It’s never too late

I started my career three years back. After my schooling, I don’t have any idea what to do, but I always have a sweet corner for tech in mind. Then I went to college for a Bachelor of Science. It was good but I am not interested in this at all. During this time period, I heard about Web Development and want to make a career in it.

Then I thought that it was too late. But the next moment I realized if I didn’t take any action now, then it is going to be more and more. And finally, I changed my mind and left my home to pursue my dreams. It’s ok to be on the wrong track, but move on when you find a better solution.

3. Take Risk, but always have a backup

Never afraid to take a risk, because maximum success comes with risk. You can reduce the risk factor in any action or decisions with better planning and research. When you have to make a decision, ask others about and get some feedback about that. So you have a basic understanding of what you are going to do before you have taken the decision.

Having a backup is another strategy that you might consider when you are choosing or planning something. Although you did good research and got good feedback, there is a chance to fail. A backup will help to come back again.

4. Invest in yourself

Someone says “Best Investment you can make is to make an investment on you.” I completely agree with this thought. In your 18–28, this is the time when you have maximum energy and minimum pressure. This is the time when you can invest in yourself.

This investment can be reading books, learning new skills, and learning new languages. These investments always add some value to your personality and your professional career. So try to put your maximum energy and money to invest in you to update yourselves.

5. Never give up

Life is not that easy, but those who never give up create history. I decided to become a Web Developer, but really I don’t have any idea how it is going to be. In this journey, I left my home, joined an Institute but then English. English is my next stumbling block.

I am from Hindi medium background so this is not that easy to stand with high society. Then I got my first mentor, he helped me not only in English, but he also taught me how to learn. He always told me if something is not easy, then it has so much value, so keep trying.

6. Don’t compare yourself with others

As I told earlier when I left my hometown and shifted to Delhi, I am struggling with the high-class society. In this environment, I started comparing myself with others. I am always looking at how people dress, how they talk, how they live. After a long time, I realize that I am on a wrong track.

So never do that. Your thoughts are different, your background is different, your life is different, infect you are different. So there is no reason to compare yourself. It always takes you through depression, anxiety, guilt, hopelessness, and sadness. Please avoid doing the same.

7. Time is money

If you want to know the value of one year, ask a student who failed an exam.

If you want to know the value of one minute, ask a passenger who missed the train.

If you want to know the value of one second, who just got saved from an accident.

If you want to know the value of one mini second, ask someone who got a silver medal, place of Gold medal.

Time is something you never get back. So pay attention to every single second you are spending. Also, keep your personal and professional life separate. Set proper goals and use to-do lists to achieve your goal on time. That way you can achieve more in less time.

8. It’s ok to make mistakes

It’s ok to make mistakes, but make sure you never repeat those mistakes again. You always learn a lesson from mistakes, but it is not necessary to learn from your own mistakes. You can learn from others. By reading books, and watching interviews of people you will learn from mistakes you never made.

We always have fear when we are doing something for the very first time. It’s ok, everyone has the same feeling and no one is perfect so always be ready for mistakes.

9. Learning is the process

Learning is a process that never stops. This is the age where things are changing very quickly so you have to be quick. Learn something and polish yourself into that skill. But please never get overconfident. It brings you back.

If you are coping with someone, don’t copy their outcome. If you are damn serious about that then copy their process, framework, and the art for making good. It will give you that confidence and the right level of satisfaction.

Always have the hustle to more also be ready for changes.

10. Small decisions make Big impact

There is a very famous thought in Hindi which is — “Boond-boond se ghada bharta hai.”

Means — “It takes to drop by drop to fill a jar.”

It doesn’t matter if your action is small or big, things that matter how long you do that. Small improvements in your life can end up with huge success that you never expected. All big movements and Communities are very small one day.

If you believe in something and have an idea start executing that. One day definitely people get you and start supporting you. And in this internet age, it is easier to share your thoughts and ideas.

11. Save money earliest you can

I am very poor at saving money. But all venture capitalists are tall, that is, save money as much you can. Saving from an early age can give you a good return. Someone says that “save money today, and someday money will save you”. And he/she is almost right in every case.

Because financial education is not part of our primary education system, that’s why we are always lagging behind. But it is very important as an active and responsible human being to think long term. Everyone has bad times and your savings play the role of lifesaver here. So start saving money from day one.

12. Work for value, not for time or money

Always work for the value of what you are offering, and the value you are getting back. Never work for time or money. If you will work for value, in the future it will pay you more than you expect. Your hard work and how you involve in certain things always make you different from others.

By working for the value you can save more time to do more stuff. This is the basic convention nowadays most work environments are following. Nobody wants a boring 9–5 job. So having good ethics from stars makes you feel good and also these things add value to your professional career.

13. Communities are great, Ask for help

Sometimes it’s okay to ask for help from others. Don’t live with the misconception that if you ask for help, they will judge you on behalf of that. In the end, no one is perfect. We all need some set of guidance and mentorship. So when you stalk, take a break. Look around you and find someone for help.

If you don't get someone, use social media to do so. At the same time if someone asks for help from you. Help them out, it makes you proud, and this way you are returning again to the community. This is the fundamental goal of any community to learn together.

14. Travel

This one’s my favorite one. I love traveling with my small notebook, it just makes me feel good. All great artists and entrepreneurs used to travel in their day to day life. This way you explore things in different ways. Traveling new places, knowing the culture and history of that palace, clicking pictures, talking to new people.

This is what I enjoy a lot. If you can not afford to travel outside your country, it’s ok. Look into your country. I am pretty sure there are also some places people should try. In fact why not your city or state. Start exploring from things around you.

15. Build a positive environment around you

It is very important. You are the average of five people you mostly spend your time with. Choose your friends carefully. Always be open, talk to people, be nice to them. Someone said that “If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room”. Make food friends and spend your time with them.

Inspire from others, learn from others, and try to be positive. Positivity will make you feel good and increase your productivity silently. Having a good circle around you, it will help motivate you and stay updated.

16. There is always an excuse

Everyone has a bunch of reasons why they are unable to achieve their goals. But whether you believe me or not, only one person is responsible for that, are you? If you have one excuse for something, you will get more and more. But you only need one strong reason to accomplish something.

If you want to learn a new language, Learn new skills, weight loss, and so on. One reason, only one reason is enough for that. Find that reason and you are good to go. Once you start that thing, make a commitment not to break the rhythm.

17. Say NO to Ego

Never ever give space Ego in your mind. This is not good for your health and your professional career. It makes a bad image of you in other minds, and that’s not a good sign. You will lose connections, friends, and networks doing so. So always avoid that.

Also never let down someone in front of others and never applauds someone in front of him/her selves. If you let down someone in front of others, then might he/she feel bad and get depressed. You can correct them afterward in private. Similarly when to applaud someone in front of him/her. He or she might get overconfident. It’s ok to applaud him from the back.

18. Enjoy the moment you are in

It is hard to believe but too much excitement for the thing those are going to be in the future may discreet your productivity. When you are excited about the future you can not focus on the present, what you are doing now. Similarly thinking about your past, good or bad memories are also never going to worth it. So live in the present.

Sometimes you are unable to get something on time. It doesn’t matter if it’s your fault or a third person. Usually, it may be a depressing moment for you. Everyone has those periods but chill. Don’t think too much. And enjoy the moment and life.

19. Life is a marathon

In this two minute Maggy time, everyone needs to fast. Dude wait, take a break. Life is not a hundred-meter race, it is a long marathon. You have to be a patient and slow mover, like a tortoise. Things take time, and good things take more time. There is no hurry, but of course, don’t be lazy also.

Great ideas take time. Your small piece of a move can add a big value to it. Again consistency plays a great role here. As I told you earlier “It takes to drop by drop to fill a jar” also applies here.

20. Love yourself

This one is more important than anything. If you are not enjoying the work you do, don’t do that. There is no reason to do it, find something else. It is very important to love what you do and loving yourself. If you don’t love yourself, then how you can expect to love you.

This is what you need, what you have today to do so. Why are you blaming God? If you accept it, this is enough for me. Then believe me nobody can stop you. If you are reading this means you have great resources and the internet. So what you need then. Take a commitment and start pursuing that until you get on top.

All the Best :)

Thank you for reading!

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Praveen Pal

Software engineer, technical writer & open-source maintainer